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Saturday, March 10, 2012

[Agency # 1] Shutterstock - Upload Probation [english version]

later. If it is verified, you are asked to upload 10 free images/vector/photo. But try these 10 images are the best, Shutterstock will review and you will pass the selection of the trial period if at least 7 images of 10 images was approved.

If it does not meet these conditions, you are given 1 MONTH by Shutterstock to learn first, as long as one month you can not upload pictures!

For Guide / the rule can be read here:

There are 3 ways to upload: FTP, browser plugin, or HTTP
FTP: using filezilla (info can be found on the website as FTP options)
Browser Plugins: Java must be installed, this is the most comfortable in my opinion, just drag it to an application and send
HTTP: have to upload one by one (eps, jpeg, eps, jpeg etc.)

because I play in vector / illustration so I give tips
* save using EPS 8 or EPS 10
* jpeg preview
* there should be no open path
* there should not be such a strange effect (transparent (can eps10), 3d, etc.)
* there should be no ghost path
* there should be no object beyond the canvas
* should not be any bitmap / raster file in
* can not tracing other photo
* EPS name have the same name as JPEG (example: beol_1.eps & beol_1.jpeg) should not try to use spaced, all lowercase letters so that no writing errors

to facilitate all simply use VECTOR INSPECTOR (plugin from illustrator)
If you have sent, it will display a menu of editing:

Here to be filled only: Description, Keyword, category1, category2 only then checklist and submit it
To increase the chances of an image can be purchased it is worth noting:
* description that actually describes the content of the image
* keyword also describes the contents of the image
* category 1 and 2 in accordance with the drawings
* for example can be found at ->

(Later after upload 10 images, then wait for the reviews of the Shutterstock officers. Usually 3++ working days. The weekdays are from Monday-Friday. If the review completed, the Shutterstock will be emailing you, so check email frequently. If you made it through 7 images or so, then the account of the trial was free =) if not wait another 1 month = (

Okay, success in Microstock. Diligent to upload, so quickly get dollars =).


[Agency #1] Shutterstock – Registration [english version]

Okay. we begin to apply it. =) We started to enroll in one of the world's largest Microstock Agency is SHUTTERSTOCK.

REGISTRATION LINK : (do not remove the ref , thanks) :D

that need to be prepared to sign up: [scan] Passport - for verification of data
REMEMBER! Fill the data according to your passport
after clicking the registration link > create an account || then you will be presented with the form,

Sign Up
Sign up and start earning money from your photographs!

Full Name : name according to passport
Desired Display Name : copyright name (optional)
Desired Username : username for login
Residential Address,Residential City, Residential State,zip: follow as passport
Email Address : use the active email
Phone Number : mobile phone number
Payout Method : paypal (if has paypal) first have to register paypal * for how to register paypal can be seen on google , who has explained a lot =) *
Payout Email Address : email paypal
Desired Password : your password

OK .. you successfully register .. congratulations: D
Then .. Shutterstock later ask for a scan of passport in the form of jpeg .. just upload .. wait a few days later, get email from Shutterstock (first reviewed by the officer) that the account has been verified =) congratulations congratulations
*for shutterstock have to use passport :D
but still not finished .. you still on probation, for more details, go to # post3


What is Microstock? [english version]

Microstock: businesses where we can sell the vector, illustration, photo, and footage. Where we can sell the our vector, illustration, photo and footage to some Microstock agency (non exclusive).
To register on Microstock agency is free of charge at all. but each agency has a different registration way such as: upload your passport / ID card / sim, theory test, feasibility test

The theme of the picture?? The theme is free .. Any pictures would be allowed .. but each agency has a rule for files that must be uploaded (but it's easy, just take it =))

How’s the beginning? difficult or not? Microstock for initially may feel hard because of having to constantly upload images, but according to the saying, trouble first, fun later (hahahaha experience) the toughest time might be 2-3 months (depending on the intent) but try to think ahead. you just relaxed, sitting around, drinking coffee, watching TV, sleeping, but You can get the money =)

Anyone who bought our picture? around the world. : D Moreover outsiders appreciate works of art, every day there would be a buy: D

how many dollars we can get? how to get it? .. buyer buy your pictures, the usual money you get depends on the agency, there is $ 0.25, $ 0.33, $ 1, $ 1.88 etc..

OMG, very little .. I think it’s a loss? loss? I do not think so.. imagine you have 500-1000 pictures, for example: 1 picture: $ 0.25 .. buyer (worldwide) one day can be 50, 100, even outsider can do 300 download. It's just one agency .. for example, you register 3 or 5 agencies .. how much? count yourself yeah =)) =)). Quick way payout with Paypal

wow I am interesting.. could the account be lost? account can be DELETED if you are caught cheating other works exactly.. so do not be plagiarism here .. but if everything’s fine .. This account is LIFETIME .. there are a few of my friends that make a will content ID and PASSWORD .. hahaha =))

This solid ... if so where I should start? OKAY .. wait for next post .. click> # post2


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

[Agency #1] Shutterstock - Upload Masa Percobaan

nah. kalo uda di verifikasi, kalian di suruh mengupload 10 gambar/vector/photo bebas. tapi usahakan 10 gambar ini adalah yang terbaik, Shutterstock akan review dan agan akan lolos seleksi dari masa percobaan jika min 7 gambar dari 10 gambar tersebut di approve.

jika tidak memenuhi hal tersebut maka agan di kasi waktu 1 BULAN oleh shutterstock untuk belajar dulu, jadi selema sebulan ga bisa upload gambar!

untuk Guide / Peraturannya bisa di baca di sini :

cara mengupload ada 3 cara : FTP, brower plugin , atau HTTP 
FTP :  menggunakan filezilla (info dpt di lihat di website saat pilihan FTP)
Browser Plugin : harus instal JAVA, ini paling enak mnrt gw tinggal drag ke aplikasinya aja trus send
HTTP : harus mengupload satu per satu (eps, jpeg, eps, jpeg dst)

karena gw maennya di vector/illustration jadi gw kasi tips2..
*save menggunakan EPS 8 atau EPS 10
*jpeg preview
*tidak boleh ada open path
*tidak boleh ada effect aneh2 kyk  ( transparan (eps10 bisa), 3d dll)
*tidak boleh ada ghost path
*tidak boleh ada objek di luar canvas
*tidak boleh ada bitmap/raster di file
*tidak boleh ngetrace foto orang
*nama EPS harus sama seperti JPEG (contoh : beol_1.eps & beol_1.jpeg) tidak boleh memakai spasi usahain se huruf kecil semua biar ga ad kesalahan penulisan

untuk mempermudah semua ya.. cukup menggunakan VECTOR INSPECTOR (plugin dari illustrator)
link download :

kalau sudah send maka akan muncul menu editing :
di sini yang perlu di isi cuma : Description, Keyword, category1, category2 saja kemudian checklist dan submit

Untuk memperbesar peluang gambar dapat di beli maka yang perlu di perhatikan:
*description yang benar2 menjelaskan isi gambar
*keyword juga menjelaskan isi gambar
*category 1 dan 2 sesuai dengan gambar
*untuk contoh bisa lihat di ->

(Nanti setelah upload 10 gambar , maka tunggu review dari petugas Shutterstock nya.. biasanya 3++ hari kerja.. untuk hari kerja dari senin - jumat.. jika sudah selesai di review pihak shutterstock akan mengemail kalian, jadi sering2 check email.. jika berhasil  lolos 7 gambar atau lebih maka account  sudah bebas dari masa percobaan =) jika tidak tunggu lagi 1 bulan =(  

oke,  sukses di microstock .. rajin2 lah upload biar cepet dpt dolar =).

[Agency #1] Shutterstock - Registrasi

Oke gan.. kita mulai daftar ya.. =) kita mulai daftar di salah satu Agency Microstock terbesar di dunia yaitu SHUTTERSTOCK .

LINK REGISTRASI : (jgn di apus ya ref nya , thanks) :D

yang perlu di siapin buat daftar : [scan] Passport -untuk verifikasi data
INGAT!! isi data sesuai dengan passport lo
setelah klik link registrasi > create account || maka kalian akan di suguhin form,
Sign Up
Sign up and start earning money from your photographs! 

Full Name : nama sesuai dengan passport
Desired Display Name : nama copyright (terserah)
Desired Username : nama username buat login
Residential Address,Residential City, Residential State,zip: ikutin kyk passport
Email Address : pakai email yang aktif
Phone Number : no telepun hp aja
Payout Method : paypal (kalau ada paypal) sebelumnya harus daftar paypal dulu *untuk cara daftar paypal bisa liat d google/kaskus gan, bnyk yg udah jelasin =) *
Payout Email Address : email paypal
Desired Password : password lo

OK.. anda beres registrasi.. selamat :D
nah.. tar si shutterstock minta scan passport dalam bentuk jpeg.. tinggal upload.. nanti tunggu beberapa hari dapat email dari shutterstock (di review dulu ama petugas sono) bahwa account udah verifikasi =) selamat selamat

*untuk shutterstock harus memakai passport :D

tapi masih belum selesai gan.. agan di masih dalam masa percobaan untuk lebih jelasnya lanjut ke #post3 


Apa Itu Microstock?

Microstock : bisnis dimana kita dapat menjual vector, illustrasi, photo, dan footage. dimana kita dapat menjual vector,illustrasi, photo dan footage kita ke beberapa agency microstock (non exclusive).
Untuk mendaftar di agency microstock tidak di pungut biaya sedikitpun. tetapi tiap agency memiliki cara pendaftaran yang berbeda beda seperti : upload passport/ktp/sim, test teori, test kelayakan

Tema gambar?? Tema nya bebas banget.. mau gambar apa aja di bolehin.. tetapi tiap agency memiliki peraturan file yang harus di upload (tapi gampang, tenang aja =) )

awal2 gmana gan? susah ga? Microstock untuk awal2 nya mungkin akan terasa berat karena harus terus menerus mengupload gambar tapi sesuai pepatah, bersusah2 dahulu - bersenang2 kemudian (pengalaman akwakwka) waktu terberat mungkin bisa sampai 2-3 bulan (tergantung niat) tapi coba pikir ke depan. kalian tinggal santai duduk2 minum kopi, nonton TV, tidur tp duit jalan terus..

Sapa aja yg beli gambar kita? seluruh dunia gan.. :D apa lagi org2 luar menghargai karya seni, pasti tiap hari ada aja yang beli :D

kita dapat duit nya berapa dollar gan? cara dpt nya gmn? .. pembeli beli gambar lo, terus biasa lo dpt duit ini tergantung agency ada yang $0.25, $0.33 , $1 , $1.88 dll..

Anjrit, dikit banget gan.. rugi bgt kyknya? rugi? klo menurut gw kgk gan.. bayangin agan pnya 500-1000 gambar, misalnya: 1 gambar : $0.25 .. buyer (seluruh dunia) kalo 1 hari dpt 50 , 100, bahkan ada bule bisa ampe 300 download. itu baru satu agency gan.. misalnya agan daftar 3 atau 5 agency.. dpt brp tuh? itung sndiri ya =)) =)) . Payout cara cepat dengan Paypal

wahhh jadi tertarik neh gan.. itu accountnya bisa angus ga? account bisa di DELETE kalo agan ketauan nyontek sama persis karya org.. makanya jangan PLAGIAT di sini.. tp kalo aman2 aja.. account ini SEUMUR HIDUP.. ada beberapa teman gw ampe buat surat wasiat isinya ID sama PASSWORD.. hahaha =))

mantep neh gan... kalo gt musti mulai dari mana gw gan? OKE..tunggu post berikutnya.. klik> #post2